Reiselivsbasen Oppland / Skjåk (0513)

Skjåk Turistheim / Skeid Kro


Skjaak Tourist Home

Skjaak Tourist Home
Skeid Restaurant

Skeid Restaurant
Skjaak Tourist Home

Skjaak Tourist Home
Skjåk Tourist Home and Skeid Restaurant (Skjåk Turistheim / Skeid Kro) are situated off Route 15, midway between Lom, Stryn and Geiranger.

We have 13 hotel rooms, 11 camping cabins, a restaurant seating 150 persons, guest lounges and conference rooms suitable for 10 -170 guests.

Skjåk is famous for its dry and stable climate.

Centrally located, Skjåk Turistheim is an ideal starting point for excursions and activities. Within easy reach are Geiranger, Trollstigen, the National Park Centre and Summer-Ski-Centre in Stryn, Briksdalsbreen (the Briksdal glacier) and Sognefjorden. Other attractions are the stave church, mountain museum and stone centre in Lom, Galdhøpiggen (the highest mountain in Norway), Galdhøpiggen Summer Ski-Centre, Skjåk Rafting and Skjåk Sports Centre as well as endless possibilities for walking trips.

Hytte Camping Hotel, Apartment, Cabin, Camping, Conference, Guest Lounge, Restaurant, Taverna, open all year around.
Postal address:
Skjåk Turistheim / Skeid Kro
Moavegen 31
NO-2690 SKJÃ…K
Visiting address:
Rv15 Bismo, Skjåk
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