Reiselivsbasen Aust-Agder / Tvedestrand (0914)

Døss Guest House

Holiday home
Main house

Main house "Døss", guest house in back

The main house “Døss” was built in 1880, and the guest house in 1980. Both houses offer indoor bathrooms, washing machine, cooking facilities, large, wooden sun decks and a green lawn lined with fruit trees,- all to give you peace of mind.

Guest house may be rented on a weekly basis, 2 bedrooms, fully equipped. Possibility for speed boat rental,- or owner as skipper for sight seeing.

Take a walk on the old paths, along and sometimes even in between private, fashionable skipper houses, some up to 350 years old!

Sleep in comfortable rooms, bedclothes and towels provided, and wake up to a delicious breakfast (included), that will keep you satisfied until late in the afternoon.

Holiday home, B&B, Cabin, open in summer season.
Postal address:
Døss Guest House
Mette Helena Elfving
Visiting address:
Gürden, Borøy
3.5 hours south of Oslo
1.5 hours north of Kristiansand
15 min south/east of Tvedestrand
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