Reiselivsbasen Buskerud / FlÄ (0615)

Stavn Camping


Cabin in the summer

Cabin in the summer
Cabin in the winter

Cabin in the winter
There are many walkingroutes in the surroundings of Stavn.

There are many walkingroutes in the surroundings of Stavn.
The small cosy camp-site lies splendid situated in the woody surroundings of Stavn (FlÄ), approx. 350 meters from national highway 7 between the mountans and Hallingdalselva. Stavn Camping is a good starting-point for activities and enjoying the peace of nature. Stavn Camping is the perfect choice for a relaxing holiday, far away from all stress and fuss of daily living. Stavn Camping is an ideal stop for when you come into Norway or when you are leaving Norway, because the camp-site lies on approx. 2.5 hour drive from Oslo. The camp-site has been situated direct along the bicycle-tour Oslo - Bergen and for the cyclist a good place for stay the night after a visit to the bear-park in FlÄ.

At Stavn Camping you can place your caravan or camper, put up your tent or rent a cabin in a breathtaking enviroment. In the near surroundings there are marked paths for walking, cycling possibilities and you can rent canoes for exploring the Hallingdalselva. The Hallingdalselva and the mountain lakes are excellent for fishing. In the near surroundings of Stavn are the two largest animalparks of Norway, Vassfaret BjÞrnepark in FlÄ and EKT Langedrag in Nesbyen.

The camp-site has a sanitary building with free warm showers, wash stand with warm and cold water and toilets, woman and men separated. In the sanitary buildig is olsa a kooking room for the guests without boiling ring. Next to the sanitary building there is the possibility wash dishes.

On the camp-site are 9 cabins suitable for 4 persons. The cabins are provide with beds with blankets and pilows, sitting area, refrigerator, boiling ring, dinner-service, cookery-utensils, cutlery, heating and gardenseats. Each cabin is provided with an information portfolio with all activities in the surroundings of Stavn.

On the camp-site we have place for about 10 camp spots. A number of these can be provided with electricity.

At the reception and also small kiosk there is the possibility to buy barbeque parcels (minimum order one day in avance), small snacks, soft drinks and bread. In the reception is also a internetcorner. Here you can check your e-mail and surf the internet. Costs are 10 kronen per 10 minutes. On the camp-site it is possible to get wireless internett. Costs are 40 kronen per day.

For the children there is a playground and a swimmingpool present.

350 meters from the camp-site lies Hallingdalselva, here you can fish, take a bath and canoe. At Veneli can you take a hike to BjĂždnahaugen. From here you can oversee whole Vassfaret.

Stavn Camping is the perfect spot for you and your family.

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Cabin, Camping, open all year around.
Postal address:
Stavn Camping
Ingrid Leonie Pel &
Remko Dahlkamp
NO-3539 FLÅ
Visiting address:
Rv7 Stavn, FlÄ
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Time Current time in Norway


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