Reiselivsbasen Østfold / Marker (0119)

Lund GÃ¥rd

Farm stay
Lund Farm is situated idyllicly on a hight in the landscape of culture.

Lund Farm is situated idyllicly on a hight in the landscape of culture.
Pleasant surroundings at the farm.

Pleasant surroundings at the farm.
You will find ponies in many sizes.

You will find ponies in many sizes.
Welcome in to the historic mainhouse from 1654.

Welcome in to the historic mainhouse from 1654.
Lund Gård is an old farm from the 1600’s. It is protected as a historical landmark, and is idyllically situated near a lake.

Excellent terrain for walking tours in both the forest and along the lakeshore, along with swimming areas, and canoe/boat rentals provide for a wide variety of activities.

There are also horseback-riding facilities for both experienced riders and beginners.

The farm is home to horses, dogs, cats, sheep and rabbits.

Possibilities for a fishing trip in the surrounding area with fishing guide or steamboat trip through the system of locks along the beautiful Halden waterway. We also offer huntingrental in the huntingseason.

Farm stay, B&B, Conference, Guest Lounge, open all year around.
Postal address:
Lund GÃ¥rd
Beate Nicolaissen
NO-1870 ØRJE
Visiting address:
Kallak, Ørje

Along E-18 from west; take off toward Lundeby, Kallak and Kåtorp. In the roundabaout take a right. Follow road toward Ørje. After intersection is the farm on the left side.

Along E-18 from the east; pass Ørje, take off toward Kallad. After ca. 7 km you find the farm on the right side.

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