Reiselivsbasen Nordland / VÃ¥gan (1865)

Finnholmen Brygge

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Reiselivsbasen offers Finnholmen Brygge to present themself here.

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When contacting Finnholmen Brygge, tell them you found this information in Reiselivsbasen.

Contact Reiselivsbasen if some of the information given here
is wrong, or if you have additional information

Guesthouse, Fishermen`s Cabin, "Rorbu", open all year around.
Postal address:
Finnholmen Brygge
Liv Soelberg & Roger Tømmerås
Postboks 47
Visiting address:
Finnholmen, Henningsvær
Google Maps
find more
see also: Google Maps
and also: GE LivePlacemarks
and also: GE LiveLookup
Phone and Internet:

Time Current time in Norway

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Payment possibilities :
Cash Visa Eurocard American Express Diners Club

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