Reiselivsbasen myPage
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Click on links below to show list nearby:

myPoints Of Interest (POI)

Welcome to your page @ Reiselivsbasen !

This page use AJAX/ JSON technology, and is a preliminary preview. If you need to upgrade your browser, Reiselivsbasen recommends Firefox

If you are in a hurry, look at pictures, read the Bold text (part of 3 lines) and blue text on last picture.

These new features has been made in order to help you plan your trip in Norway, especially if you plan to use GPS, or just take a virtual trip with Google Earth.
Google Earth continues to update photos, and more and more areas of Norway are covered.

Map and GPS
Map and GPS location, as shown on info-page.
On each info-page where GPS position is known, a small map is shown, like the one at left.

Click on the CheckBox on info-pages to add a Points Of Interest (POI).

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To preserve settings between sessions, cookies from needs to remain intact, cookies are valid for one year.

Reiselivsbasen also provides Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) values, to use in or in paper maps, click on link shown after "GPS:" on picture at left side, a new window will open with GPS values converted to other format, among UTM.

At bottom in the GPS window you may enter new values, if the current are wrong (remember to click the "mail .." button).

If you prefer other maps, you will find links to some below "see map:".

Below is a picture showing some of the possibilities on this page, normally you enter this page by clicking on the "find more" link, shown below small map above. You may also enter here by typing in your browser address-line. Then you may:
  1. Click or drag map to a new location.
  2. Click on value below map, to set as new CurrentGPS (center of map).
  3. Click on either "accommodation", "activities" or "electricians", to show a list nearby.

If you press "save" or "edit" on top, you may add or edit your CurrentGPS position. List and distances are calculated from CurrentGPS position. This saved GPS can be your home location, start of your jurney, ...

On info-pages (see picture above) distance, heading and name from your saved location is shown.

Example of use
Example of how to use this page, here accommodation list.

Data can be added from this page, click the CheckBox at right hand side, to add to your list. Click once more to remove items from list.

This page is ideal to use if the accommodation you planed to stay at is fully booked, and you need to find anything nearby. Or if you want to look up nearby activities.

Or if you want to list accommodations around a GPS position, then first save the GPS position, then mail the "myGPS" link in top left corner to your friends, or show it on your site, like:
  <a href=",+Fish+Market" title="Search Reiselivsbasen"> accomodation near the fish market</a>

other useful GPS locations, airports: Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, Trondheim, Tromsų

To export GPS positions (POI's), return to this page, click on either myAccommodations, myActivities or myElectricians at top right corner to show the list:

Example of use
Example of how to export GPS data with 3 clicks, here TomTom Binary .ov2 file.
At bottom of the list you may choose between the following export data format:
  • ov2  TomTom Navigator POI file (.ov2)
  • ITN  TomTom Itinerary data (.itn)
  • ASC  Generic Ascii (.asc, .csv)
  • GPX  GPS eXchange Format (.gpx)
  • GE  Google Earth (.kmz)
  • If you need another format, please mail me description, and I'll try to implement it.
If you want to get all GPS positions, here is the download link: .zip files

Click on links at top to get started. To contact me (Arnulf Sortland), fill out this contact form

see also: Google Earth Blog for a review of this service.

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