Reiselivsbasen Buskerud / Hol (0620)

Ro Hotel & Kro

Kveldsro at left, Ro Hotel to right

Kveldsro at left, Ro Hotel to right
Ro Hotel is situated in the centre of Geilo village, close to all facilities, including the railway station, shops, bank, and all that Geilo can offer of activities such as restaurants, bars etc. The hotel lies just a short walk from the ski lifts, and cross-country trails.

Hotel rooms
Ro Hotel has 12 double/family rooms, many of which can be used to sleep from 1- to 5 quests The rooms are warm and cosy with toilet and shower facilities, and satellite TV.

KveldsRo - Living room/ kitchen in appartement #4

KveldsRo - Living room/ kitchen in appartement #4
Appartements - Kveldsro
In addition to Ro hotel, the hotel can offer quests the chance to enjoy staying at “kveldsro” which is one of the oldest houses in Geilo, which has been totally renovated and now has 4 apartments with single, double, and family accommodation. The apartments have shower and toilet facilities; have mini kitchens, micro ovens, refrigerators etc and a special atmosphere of “old Geilo”!! Kveldsro is located a short distance from Ro hotel in its own grounds, and a short walk to all facilities

Ro Kro with terrace at right

Ro Kro with terrace at right
Ro Kro
Ro Hotel has it’s own restaurant and café; the menu includes good homemade food, with many traditional dishes. at friendly prices. During the summer meals or snacks can be enjoyed out on the hotels large terrace.

Ro Hotel offers quests a “winter half board “ from January until May, that includes dinner, breakfast, and a lunch box that quests can prepare themselves

From Mai until December quests are offered bed and breakfast, or breakfast and dinner.

Hotel, B&B, Apartment, Taverna, open all year around.
Postal address:
Ro Hotel & Kro
Odd Kåre Ro
Postboks 50
Visiting address:
Rv7 Geilovegen 55-57, Geilo
by Geilo railway-station
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