Reiselivsbasen Oppland / Lillehammer (0501)

Lillehammer Turist

Tourist Information Office in Lillehammer

Tourist Information Office in Lillehammer
All the information you need on Lillehammer and the area in one place. Lillehammer's Tourist Information Centre is at the Bus and Train station. Arranging accommodation In hotels, guesthouses and private lodgings in Lillehammer and surrounding areas Souvenirs of Norway See display of Norway products for purchase in Tourist Information. We also have a small souvenir shop with a good selection of traditional souvenirs and gifts. You can also purchase stamps and postcards. Free brochures All the brochures you may need on Lillehammer and area are freely available as well as exhibitions giving information on journeys further away. We sell also walking, skiing maps.
Tourist information, open all year around.
Postal address:
Lillehammer Turist
Geir Kolstrøm
Postboks 44
Visiting address:
Jernbanetorget 2, Lillehammer
Train and Bus station
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and also: GE LiveLookup
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Time Current time in Norway

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